Military Appreciation should be every day. Our men and women over the years who have served and for all of those who are currently serving, we should always honor and respect what they are doing for us. Our first Shop the Lot at the City Parking lot at 2nd N. & Broadway is focused on just this. We will be working on bringing in the National Guard, VFW, DAV and Legion to help us have the best show for the year! Patriotic is our theme, so wear your red-white & blue. 20-30 different Crafters & Vendors will be joining us and we will be taking any and all donations for any groups that will be part of this event. So make sure you mark your calendar and come down to join us for a day of fun and honor. If you wish to be part of this event you must be registered with us. No other form of sign up is asked for or accepted. To do so go to:
Saturday May 17, 2025
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM CDT
May 17
10am to 3pm
City Parking Lot
2nd N. & Broadway
New Ulm, MN
James Haviland
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1 N Minnesota St., New Ulm, MN 56073 – (507) 233-4300 –