In the spring of 1848, Americans in the east learned of the discovery of gold in California’s streams that flowed westward from the Sierra Nevada into the Sacramento River. Endorsed by the American president, the reports set off a rush by Americans — most of them ambitious young men seeking to escape the routines of farms and shops for the excitement and potential riches of California. They endured long, dangerous journeys — either across the continent with wagons, or by sea around South America, or via the Isthmus of Panama. And they created contentious, ramshackle communities next to the streams. The newcomers drove off Native Americans and marginalized the Hispanic people of California. By the end of 1849, California’s non-Native American population had doubled to 100,000. By pressing for prompt statehood, the newcomers sparked a political crisis in the American Congress. Provided by Curiosity U. Provided by the CAST Senior Center, our Documentary Programs provide an endless variety of interesting subjects in a prerecorded, professional film format. They take us across the country and around the world, experiencing and learning about places and people which we wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Our documentaries are entertaining, informative, and inspiring. They offer a unique and powerful form of storytelling that captures your attention and provoke thought and discussion. Scheduled every Tuesday afternoon, unless noted, at 1pm at the CAST Senior Center, our Documentary Programs are free and open to the public. There are no membership dues and everyone is welcome to attend. Programming is provided by Curiosity U and other online providers. Check out our documentary program schedule every month and join us. We look forward to seeing you!
Tuesday Apr 8, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDT
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 1pm
CAST Senior Center, Room 112 600 N. German St. New Ulm MN 56073
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